Friday, May 15, 2009

Move on

this is the best answer whose always people said to me. and this is the most hardest step to take. but i really have to get out of my lebay. because :
  • i'm tired to chased you all the time
  • tired crying because of you
  • tired to stay connected-as close as i could- with you
  • tired with this jealous feeling, when you menggatal with another girl
  • tired thinking, why you dumped me like this
  • you don't like me anymore
  • masih banyak ikan di lautan 
I'm out. and i wish you have a good time with your "little sister", your close friends, your blablabla apapun itu embel-embelnya.
i deshi ty, por unë nuk kam si ju më. 

Sayonara, Mogot Haholongan Devroij


cikemm said...

give me five for this ;)

ZsaZsa said...

iyaaaaaaaaaa bgt. mudah2an together we'll pass this lebay time yeah.ahahhahahha

arvina said...

saaa aku suka yang ini :) cool!