Holiday activities (before USM ITB II) :

studying for every PTN tests

met some friends

flashback about the heartbreaker *it really sucks but i did it jeez -,-

vyna, and me @ Bandung (when i applied my form for USM ITB II


(my voice really "kebanting" with vyna's bahahahhaha

studying for usm itb's (again
so sorry for the very late updates guys :)
i'm very busy with every tests : UMB-PTN (Ujian Masuk Bersama Perguruan Tinggi Negeri), SNMPTN's (Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negri) and so on and so on.
here is some picture i took with my junior high friends in Bandung 2 months ago. between Bawono, me, Vyna, and Among. only Among got the test. he accepted in SITH ITB but, he told me that he still confused to take it. since he's got SI for BINUS University too. besides, he really hates Biology like i am. actually, he slip take that faculty. but it's too pity to leave that chance right? ITB gitu. so he's still confused till now. Bawono got's HI-UNPAD, Vyna got HI-UNPAR.
ONLY ME-the only one-WHO'S STILL NGANGGUR zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
i beg you all, prayed for me to have a miracle please :')
wah sha among dapet sith? ambil ajaaaaa sayang banget tuh ampe dilepas. lu udah dapet kul dmana sha?
amiraa: yaampun shaa ih kangen banget deh itu bawono ampe kuyus gitu hehe :)
waktu itu gue juga ikutan usm 2 lhoo szaa
serius lo pada ga dapet? hoki banget gw
vyna : iya among dpt vyn tp dia ga ngmbil dh kyknya soalny itu dia slh pilih. mau ngmbil fitb tp slh kode gitu jdnya malah sith. syg bgt kan yaaaa
amira : oh, lo ikt jg mir? hahah iya baw emng kuyuus bener yaaa orng trn 18 kg deh kalo gasalah. emng gila dh dia. ahahhaha
Ero : iya lo SANGAT hoki! gue sirik wooooo hehehhe
amira: wawwwwwwww mau banget gila gue kaya bawono
iya sza gue ikutan juga.tinggal SNMPTN nih sza !!!!
ahh mau deh gue kebandung ketemuan sama kevina lagii ayu yu yu :)
amira: ayoooo bgt kpn nih kita nge bandung mir? hahahhahahah kamu snmptn ngmbil apa mir? sama nih harapanku tnggal snmptn nih. huhuhu
mudah2an dpt yaa kitaa
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