well , last tuesday . Me , Hima , and Cyo went to FKUI at Salemba . we want to joined to Tes Minat Bakat . it such a psikotes, but more specific because, with this test we will know what is the real talent that we have . we took the form, we decided to take that test at 10 August. which has the same time with karimah and her friends take the test. and after we filled it, we hang around in the area . it was kinda fun trip .While in there Hima and Cyo were very excited. they both want to be a doctor , and really wants to study in there. so it necessary for me to see how excited they are. they clingak-clinguk and walk around like kids. oh, they both took lots of picture too. this is one of pictures we took together :)

This is Hima and me in front of FKUI building
p.s : i aint sent any photos to my handphone yet. this is the one i have . another photos will be add soon :)
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