“.. I know I'll see you again, whether far or soon, but I need you to know that I care, and I miss you.” -Incubus.
i miss every single kiss, hugs, and warm of you. dear 'friend'
Everyone is like a butterfly, they start out ugly and awkward and then morph into beautiful graceful butterflies that everyone loves
i'm sorry i can't grow up . . . yet
i'm sorry i aint be a good girlfriend for you . . . yet
i'm sorry if i'm too childish
i'm sorry if i'm too selfish
i'm sorry if i'm too ignorant to grope your feelin, and your needs
and i'm sorry for blaming you for everything i do
now i'm realize that i mistaken. and i deeply want to repair it.
i do love you. Mr. pot head. and i don't feel any regret and tired to be with you :*)